The exclusive focus of this course: a 99th percentile (715-805 range) score

The exclusive focus of this course: a 99th percentile (715-805 range) score

  • Top-One-Percent GMAT Online Video Course by me (Sandeep Gupta): the only GMAT Course on the planet that exclusively targets "99th percentile aspirants". This is an absolute guarantee: if you are sincere with this course and do everything that this course expects you to do, then the real test, even at the level of 770, will feel like an absolute cakewalk.

  • My proven, copyrighted methods (OCTAVE, PRIME, ACT, ANT, ACED, and LINGO) will ensure that you crack even the most challenging questions on the GMAT (715-805 range) with effortless ease.

  • Every single minute spent with this course [concepts, video sessions, practice, and personalized doubt clearing] will take you closer to your dream score of ≥760. In this course, all concepts, from the most basic (200 level) to the most advanced (800 level), are covered in extreme detail. But the questions covered in this course are all 'Above-700' level (with a special focus on solving the top-tier percentile questions, the 715-805 range).

  • Caution: during the preparation stage, if you keep solving only EASY (500-600-650 level content), you will be lulled into a false sense of security. The real test is a rude shock to students who don't challenge themselves with the absolute top-level content (715-805 range). As the GMAT is an adaptive test, the questions become increasingly harder and reach the peak level of toughness / trickiness when you start to touch the 760 level. At this level, the examiner's sole purpose is to play "mindgames" with you. To this effect:
    1. Each PS question in this band is open to two interpretations: the correct one and the wrong one. The strange part is: if you interpret the question wrongly and calculate the wrong answer, that wrong answer is also present in the choices. This can truly hurt your chances.
  1. Each DS question in this band involves a TRAP. You end up marking the wrong answer with extreme confidence.
  2. Each RC question in this band tests tone (really subtle and open to misinterpretation). If you aren't being careful, you are going to be misled into choosing the wrong answer (the priming effect).
  3. Each SC question in this band challenges your intuition to the hilt. In many cases, the very first answer choice that you eliminate (with confidence) is, to your absolute shock, likely to be the correct answer. In addition, each question in this band tests meaning clarity, making you go back and forth again and again (because two answers look absolutely correct grammatically); in the process, you end up wasting a lot of precious time. You are never sure of your final answer and end up losing confidence going into the questions that follow.
  4. Each CR question in this band makes you choose the "attractive wrong option" (generally placed before the right answer) and leave out the "boring (or seemingly irrelevant) correct answer".
In this course, preparing you for such TRAPS (so that you don't fall for them) constitutes more than 80% of my training. In this aspect, this course is absolutely unique. It solely and exclusively focuses on ≥760 scores. No other course on the entire planet focuses exclusively on the 99th percentile scores.
Watch how students around the world benefit from the video course

My first-ever student (in 2012) of this GMAT Online Video Course, Cristian Popescu (from Romania) scored a 760/800 on his GMAT and received an admit from Stanford!

Since then, more than 7000 students from around the world have cracked the 99th percentile scores with my guidance.

Do you also struggle with Verbal?

When it comes to GMAT and MBA Admissions, which one would you consider an outstanding achievement?

Your answer indeed must be No. 5 (undoubtedly, all of the above are exceptional achievements).

But according to me, the most outstanding achievement for an Indian student is No. 2 (a score of 99th percentile in Verbal); it is so rare that I rise up in celebration each time I see such a score. To score in the 45-48 range in the Verbal Section, you can't make more than one mistake in the entire Verbal Section.

Watch what Abhishek Jha has to say about Top-One-Percent GMAT Training

Abhishek Jha (GMAT 760)

Can you go from 0% to 99th Percentile?

As per the GMAC "Scores below 9 and above 44 for the Verbal section and below 7 and above 50 for the Quantitative section are rare." Check here

And lo and behold ... so many of my students have been breaking the Verbal 44 score barrier (and, needless to say, the Quant 50 barrier) rather easily.

The latest to join the ranks is: Abhishek Jha (V46, Overall 760). First attempt EVER!

Abhishek started with an accuracy of about 20% in SC, almost 0-10% in CR, and below average in RC. And he reached almost 100% accuracy on the main exam. This is what right guidance and superhuman passion to excel can do for you.

Complete video-sessions (over 50 hours) of all the LIVE / Interactive (two-way) teaching classes of Sandeep Gupta – the foremost GMAT Trainer in Asia. Exclusive feature of this course: Live, on-demand, personalized online classes tailored only for YOU, for your specific doubts. All the material (online) will be provided by us. You are not supposed to study anything else at all. 6 months of access
Absolutely comprehensive material (the most exhaustive content on this planet) includes:
  • Basic Concepts
  • Advanced Concepts
  • Concept Books
  • Absolutely unique copyrighted techniques: OCTAVE (RC), PRIME (SC), ACT (CR), ACED (DS), LINGO (PS)
  • Handouts … learn how to solve 760-800 level questions in less than 60 seconds … each question in these handouts is handpicked after a lot of research / deliberation
  • Follow-up exercises to the session handouts
  • Advanced practice (10,000 plus questions) … only in 715-805 range
  • Latest real-GMAT questions
  • All the usual material related to the GMAT in the entire GMAT universe … AGAIN! You are not supposed to refer to anything else at all.
  • Detailed solutions to all the questions discussed anywhere in the material
Guaranteed ≥760 score if you do all that is expected of you. For a serious 99th percentile aspirant, there is no better course on the entire planet. You will be given all the material along with a detailed, step-by-step study plan to complete the course.

If you would rather prefer the LIVE Online Course (two-way interactive sessions), click HERE for details.

Video Course Testimonials
Watch what some of my students have to say:

Sathwick and Ruthwick

Which One Do You Struggle With?
Harshit Jain Score: 780/800
Anushka Chakravorty Score: 780/800
Kriti Pachauri Score: 770/800
Kritika Pugalia Score: 770/800
Chetan Sharma Score: 770/800
Aditya Kasture Score: 760/800

To check what hundreds of other 99th percentilers say about my training, Click here

One question I am commonly asked is: "Sandeep, I am a very average student. Do I stand any chance?"
I know what you are thinking: “99th percentilers are all special people. But if I am an average student, do I stand a chance?”

My answer is a big YES!
Meet these three students who have shown that one can achieve absolutely stellar success with the right guidance and superb effort.
From 330 to 700: Watch the feedback from a student whose previous score was 330. He was an extremely average student and had done his entire schooling in Hindi medium. He says: "If I can get a 700, even a 'sweeper' can get a 700 with Sandeep." - The best feedback I have ever received.
Upendra Pratap Score: 700
From 330 to 700 - Best feedback I have ever received
From 550 to 730 / From 18 to 40 in Verbal: Meet Charan who says that he was extremely distraught with a score of 550 when he approached me. He talks about how the methods he learnt were outstanding and the teaching he got was absolutely fantastic. I am sure if he could crack the score that he got, you stand an equally great chance of cracking it. This is another feedback I am extremely proud of.
Charan Score: 730
From 18 to 40 in Verbal
And the most inspirational story ever is that of this boy from Ranchi who, self-admittedly, was living at the bottom of the pyramid. If he can reach MIT-Sloan, YOU sure can. I bet you are better off than this boy in every regard. Watch Pawan at his dream school MIT-Sloan, in front of the world-famous MIT Building. This story can move anyone to believe that when you are powered by your biggest dreams, NOTHING is a limitation.
Pawan Gupta MIT Sloan
From Ranchi to MIT

Schedule a call with Sandeep for a one-on-one Demo Session

...tackling some of the most challenging GMAT questions with his unique copyrighted techniques

This is the START to your 99%ile Score

Schedule a one-on-one Demo Session

Let’s schedule your personalized demo

We will call you briefly to understand you: your academic and work background, your target score, your target b-schools / universities, whether you are starting afresh or have had any exposure to the test, your strong and weak areas, your timelines etc.

The DEMO: We will then direct you to the Demo. In the Demo, Sandeep will introduce you to some of the latest questions that have been asked in the last 3 months on the real GMAT and teach you the best approaches to solve them (OCTAVE, ACT, ACED and LINGO). He will give you a DEMO on all the 5 Major topics in GMAT (RC, CR, PS, DS and IR). Once you finish the demo, we will call you once more.

In this call, we will try to understand how much time you can spend per day or per week and guide you for your next plan of action. We will suggest the right material for your specific needs. We will also customize the entire GMAT preparation for you.

Thereafter, we will take up all your questions / doubts / queries, address them one by one, and guide you on the next steps.

Transform Your Ivy-League Dream School Into Reality

This single call / demo appointment can change the entire direction of your efforts towards the 99th percentile (715-805 range) score on the GMAT.

To Fix your Demo Appointment, Call / WhatsApp / Text immediately to +91 97395-61394.

Request for a demo